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  • Writer's pictureNouman Khalid

How to Read with Dyslexia

Updated: Nov 24, 2022

Have you or your child been diagnosed with dyslexia? It can be difficult to know where to start. Reading is a vital part of daily life, and for someone with dyslexia, this can be a big challenge. Here at BrightPage, we’ve created a product that is designed to help dyslexics and people with other reading disabilities.

In this blog post, we wanted to cover some of the difficulties of reading with dyslexia as well as share some ways that can be helpful for you and/or your child. Let’s start.

The Symptoms of Dyslexia

Dyslexia is a neurological disorder that affects reading skills. Seeing Dyslexic Letters upside down is the focus during reading. Dyslexia is characterized by difficulty with phonemic awareness, phonology, processing speed, and word decoding skills. People with dyslexia often have difficulty with some of the following: knowing the alphabet, being able to read quickly, reading aloud, and being able to spell words correctly.

The Challenges of Reading with Dyslexia

The challenges of reading with dyslexia can make it difficult for people to succeed in school and in their careers. In addition to the symptoms listed above, people with dyslexia often have difficulty with organizational skills, time management, and working memory. These difficulties can make it hard to keep up with schoolwork and complete tasks on time.

Instead of reading letters straight in a linear fashion, the Dyslexic Reader sees Dyslexia Letters in Rotation.

Ways to Help Dyslexia When Reading


Audiobooks are a great way for dyslexic readers to follow along with a story without getting lost or frustrated. There are many great audiobook options available online and in libraries.

Reading out loud and recording it is a great way to show your Dyslexia child or even a friend with Dyslexia that you care about how they read.


E-readers can be a helpful tool for dyslexic readers because they can change the font size and type, as well as the background color, to make the text easier to read. We believe using an e-reader like BrightPage can be a great aid to these readers, and we’ve added a special font designed for dyslexics. Find out more here [link to the app listing page].

Working with a Tutor

A tutor can help a dyslexic reader by working on specific skills such as phonemic awareness, phonics, and fluency. A tutor can also provide support and encouragement while the reader is working on difficult material. Awareness of letter rotation in dyslexia is essential to know the most frequent ways that dyslexia readers see while reading.

Tips for Parents of Dyslexic Readers

Find the Right Resources

There are a lot of great resources out there for parents of dyslexic readers. The International Dyslexia Association [link] is a great place to start. They have a ton of information on their website, and they also offer support groups and workshops. Another great resource is They have articles, videos, and tools that can help parents understand and support their dyslexic person.

Be Patient and Encouraging

Reading can be a frustrating process for dyslexic children, so it’s important for parents to be patient and encouraging. One way to do this is to praise your child for their effort, rather than their results. For example, if they read one page without getting frustrated, tell them how proud you are of them.

Reading can be exhausting for dyslexic children, so let them take breaks when they need to. And don’t forget to have some fun! Reading should be enjoyable, so make sure to find books that your child will love reading. Using an app like BrightPage can make the whole reading experience enjoyable and interactive and can also improve the reading speed over time.

Help them Find their Strengths

Dyslexic children often have strengths in other areas, such as art or music. Help your child find their strengths and cultivate them. This will help boost your child’s confidence and make them feel good about themselves. It will also help them see that they can succeed in spite of their reading difficulties.


It can be difficult to read with dyslexia, but there are ways to make it easier. Audiobooks, e-readers, and working with a tutor can all help. Parents can also help their dyslexic children by finding the right resources, being patient and encouraging, and helping them find their strengths.

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